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AldiTalk waives roaming cost in EU starting with march 3rd
Starting with march 3rd you can use the AldiTalk payg card without extra roaming charges within the whole EU.
So free inbound calls, outbound calls to AldiTalk 3ct/min and to other german numbers 11ct/min. Mobile data will cost you 23ct/MB. Also there are two options for roaming customers: 1) 120 MB mobile data for 4.99€, valid 7 days 2) 120 minutes for 4.99€, valid 7 days. Chris |
AldiTalk currently has a wider-than-expected definition for the EU.
For incoming and outgoing calls while roaming: Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich (inkl. Monaco), frz. Guyana, Gibraltar*, Griechenland, Großbritannien (inkl. Kanalinseln), Guadeloupe (Karibik), Irland, Island, Italien (inkl. Vatikanstadt und San Marino), Kroatien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Martinique (Karibik), Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal (inkl. Azoren und Madeira), Rumänien, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakische Republik, Slowenien, Spanien (inkl. Kanarische Inseln), Tschechien, Ungarn, Zypern For data roaming: Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich (inkl. Monaco), frz. Guyana, Griechenland, Großbritannien (inkl. Kanalinseln), Guadeloupe (Karibik), Irland, Italien (inkl. Vatikanstadt und San Marino), Kroatien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Martinique (Karibik), Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal (inkl. Azoren und Madeira), Rumänien, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakische Republik, Slowenien, Spanien (inkl. Kanarische Inseln), Tschechien, Ungarn, Zypern http://www.alditalk.de/nord/hilfe_un...Preisliste.pdf |
The days of the roaming SIM may be quickly ending.
Especially for the folks in the EU. Their need for international roaming sims is quickly diminishing if they are traveling within the EU. If AT&T can just do something similar to what tmobile is doing.
if you have a contract at Eplus (the carrier that is underlying Aldi Talk as well) you can now book the so called "travel flat" option - 3 Euro/month in addition to your normal fees extend the validity of unlimited calls & data also while roaming within EU, norway, switzerland and liechtenstein...
Valid in all BASE All-IN tariffs for the moment. press release from Eplus: http://eplus-gruppe.de/e-plus-gruppe...utzung-europa/ |
Isn't Alditalk requesting registration with a German address before activating the card? In that case it might not be too easy to get this SIM for the persons residing outside of Germany.
Actually I do not understand under which premise the EU mobile operators can afford to reject sales to persons resident in a different country: The EU claims: "You have the right to buy from a service provider located in another EU country without price discrimination and without having the seller refuse to sell to you simply because you live in a different EU country. However, if there are objective reasons for the seller to refuse to sell to you, that seller may be within their rights." http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens...s/index_en.htm In the case of prepaid service where it is not possible to make debths and there is no real contract between the operator and the user I do not see any objective reason for this limitation. |
So this means that I can leave 1 card at home (Belgium), and take another one to France, and call the homefront for just 3ct/m ? :D
Nice! offtopic problem: I have two cards of AldiTalk, but 1 has expired, is it possible to revive it in anyway? I had 15 euro of credit left (on a voucher). I used that to topup the working card (didn't want to risk to have that one expired too). |
receiver: E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co.KG IBAN DE07 3004 0000 0121 7900 01 BIC COBADEFFXXX bank: Commerzbank Düsseldorf reason of transfer - your mobile number, e.g. 01771234567 If the card is not yet fully dead it will be reactivated after 2-3 days and will have 3 days validity :-) In that case you can safely transfer more or buy a recharage voucher in store. transfer of 1 Euro gives you 1 month validity, and so on. Chris |
While picking up an Aldi SIM card for a family member yesterday I thought I should get two additional ones for fellow forum members who might be interested in the new roaming tariffs. So if any loyal forum member needs an Aldi SIM just drop me a PM.
I hope other German prepaids soon copy this. In fact, I'd be surprised if they didn't.
if an Alditalk customer while roaming in Italy calls a French mobile number how much will be the per minute rate? 0.11EUR.?
the 7day period package of 120minutes for eur.4.99 applies for calls only to German numbers or to other EU countries numbers too? |
The Figures on pages 4 and 5 of this document show just how well the EU Commission, Ofcom, and the other European telecom regulators have brought down "Mobile Termination Rates" (MTR): http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/bin...MCT_slides.pdf Perhaps the EU Commission should only allow O2 Germany (Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG) to takeover Eplus, on condition that O2 also completely eliminates all roaming costs within Europe, by 1st July 2014. Otherwise, without such a guarantee, it would seem wise to block the takeover and leave Eplus free so that it can introduce additional competitive tariffs and services across Europe. |
I can't say for sure since there is no official statement from Aldi beyond the following SMS which they have been sending out since February 12th:
By the way, according to teltarif.de these new EU tariffs will also apply in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland. |
the other unclear is if 7day period package of 120minutes for eur.4.99 applies for calls only to German numbers or to other EU countries numbers too?
No, that is not unclear as it says: "120 abg. Min in die EU"
abg. = abgehend = outgoing in die EU = into the EU So those 120min should be valid for calls to any EU destination and perhaps also Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland. |
the package minutes most probably will be billed according to EU regulations, 30''+1''? |
So we may assume that the 120-minutes package includes outgoing calls from any EU country other than Germany (and perhaps EEA member states + Switzerland) to any EU country (and perhaps EEA member states + Switzerland). I further assume that calls covered by the 120-minutes package will be rounded up to full minutes. Although operators are obliged to meet EU regulations for the preset standard roaming tariff, they are still allowed to offer alternative roaming tariffs on an opt-in basis that exceed the known price caps and billing increments. So Alditalk would not violate EU regulations if they charge calls under this package by full minutes. |
To the EU caps of € 0.24/min and € 0.19/min one has to add the VAT of the country in which the operator is resident. In the case of Alditalk 19%. That is why currently they charge € 0.28/min. From July on they will have to lower it to 0.22/min or less. At the moment Alditalk 7 day 60 minute EU package is only valid for outgoing calls to Germany (Enthalten sind: abgehende Gespräche aus dem EU-Ausland nach Deutschland und ankommende Gespräche im EU-Ausland): http://www.aldi-nord.de/print/aldita...er_2013_10.pdf . The charging interval within the package is 60/60 instead of 30/1 without the package. In the 7 day 60 MB data package the charging interval currently is 100kB instead of 1 kB without the package. The wording in the SMS regarding the 120 minute package is quite different. We will have to wait for the official statement. |
The "Base EU-Länder" are: Aeland Island, Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich (inkl. Monaco, frz.Guayana, La Réunion), Gibraltar, Griechenland, Großbritannien (inkl. Kanalinseln), Guadeloupe (Karibik), Irland, Island, Italien (inkl. Vatikanstadt und San Marino), Kroatien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Martinique (Karibik), Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal (inkl. Azoren und Madeira), Rumänien, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakische Republik, Slowenien, Spanien (inkl. Kanarische Inseln), Tschechien, Ungarn, Zypern |
No, actually I don't know. But to be on the safe side I've registered the one SIM card that I've already sold to a fellow forum member on the home network (eplus). On that occassion I've also disabled the voice mailbox as I've described it here.
By the way you folks might find it interesting that, although not officially documented, AldiTalk can be recharged by bank transfer to the following bank account: receipient: E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co.KG IBAN: DE07 3004 0000 0121 7900 01 BIC: COBADEFFXXX bank: Commerzbank Düsseldorf reference: 015751234567 (your Aldi telephone number) (source: http://www.prepaid-wiki.de/index.php5/ALDI_TALK) |
when will the official statement be released? |
new ALDITALK roaming pricelist valid as of today: http://www.alditalk.de//nord/hilfe_u...Preisliste.pdf
Also the EU voice pakage: http://www.alditalk.de/nord/Telefoni...Z_highsubsub=0 But does anyone know if the 7day period package of 120minutes for eur.4,99 applies for calls only to German numbers or also to other EU countries numbers too? terms&conditions here: http://www.alditalk.de//nord/hilfe_u...uebersicht.pdf A German speaking friend can read page 19 & page 20 and let us know |
4. Enthalten sind: abgehende Gespräche aus dem EU-/EWR-Ausland zzgl Schweiz in die EU-/EWR-Staaten zzgl. Schweiz Ankommende Gespräche im EU-Ausland sind kostenlos. 4. Included [in the EU 120 "Voice Packet" option]: out-going calls from EU/EEA countries plus Switzerland to EU/EEA countries plus Switzerland. Incoming calls are free in EU countries. |
the EU 120min. package has 1minute rounding billing?
yes, rounding by minute
EU 120 "Voice Packet" option, page 19: Jede angefangene Gesprächsminute wird unabhängig von ihrer tatsächlichen Dauer stets voll berechnet (Minutentakt).
Calls are measured in units of full minutes. |
many thanks.
so the EU 120min. package can be used for calls to other EU countries also, not only for calls back to Germany. |
yes in all EU countries + switzerland...
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