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Stu 23-08-2012 15:02

Air Baltic Card Question
Question 1. Air Baltic card offers free call forwarding to most country landlines. Intranetwoork cards are only 19 euro cents a minute. What happens when you call a second Air Baltic card which has call forwarding engaged?

Question 2. Do they give you a VOIP accessible DID?

fsotirop 23-08-2012 15:16

q1: don't know for sure. but it should work ok
q2: no

with camelmobile simcards the intranetwotk charge is 0.18/minute (with per second billing within europe) and the call is forwarded properly when called a camelnumber with active forwarding.

camel also offres free forwarding to 125 countries approximately, mainly to the countries with free incoming calls.

dg7feq 23-08-2012 16:04


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 40472)
Question 1. Air Baltic card offers free call forwarding to most country landlines. Intranetwoork cards are only 19 euro cents a minute. What happens when you call a second Air Baltic card which has call forwarding engaged?

Question 2. Do they give you a VOIP accessible DID?

I also think that #1 will work. If you have a card we could try if i set a forwarding on mine...

Stu 23-08-2012 16:08

Buying my first today.

fsotirop 23-08-2012 16:41

does anyone know if for calls within europe airbalticard charges per second as EU regulations or per minute?

dg7feq 24-08-2012 09:05

xxsim does not (they charge by minute). I guess airbaltic will be the same. I cant test right now as my card is at home...

fsotirop 24-08-2012 11:29

if you'll be able some time to check it and let us know it will be great!

it seems at the moment that the only travel simcard charging per second (30/1) within europe according to EU regulations is camelmobile.

dg7feq 24-08-2012 12:02

charge by second after the first 30 second is the rule by law, so that would be 30/1 billing
For inbound calls its by second after the first second - 1/1

fsotirop 24-08-2012 12:02


Originally Posted by dg7feq (Post 40488)
charge by second after the first 30 second is the rule by law, so that would be 30/1 billing
For inbound calls its by second after the first second - 1/1

did you checked it on your airbaltic simcard?

dg7feq 28-08-2012 08:27

i cant find my SIM at the moment. While searching yesterday i found several old Yackie Mobile cards and - snif - my beloved old SIM (really loved that one)... I keep on searching, will need it in 2 weeks for a trip anyway...

fsotirop 07-10-2012 19:17

airbalticcard charge from the time the callback is answered..not from the time the recipient accepts the call..

what a waste of money this simcard... don't use it, I still keep using only camelmobile & piranha simcards

Bossman 08-10-2012 00:49

Doesn't piranha also charge from the time you answer the callback.

fsotirop 08-10-2012 09:10


Originally Posted by Bossman (Post 40917)
Doesn't piranha also charge from the time you answer the callback.

they do, but their rates are significantly lower than airbaltic simcard...
plus they expand rapidly their direct calling countries or you can make calls via their voip app, where charging occurs only whe the recipient answers the call!

dg7feq 08-10-2012 10:19


Originally Posted by dg7feq (Post 40523)
i cant find my SIM at the moment. While searching yesterday i found several old Yackie Mobile cards and - snif - my beloved old SIM (really loved that one)... I keep on searching, will need it in 2 weeks for a trip anyway...

seems like my airbaltic card is gone for good. However, our XXsim is currently roaming in Namibia and working flawlessly. I use a 2nd XXsim and we do intra-calls for 19c/min which is a good deal overall. Also found out that the SMS via sim-toolkit menu always cost 9ct a piece, no matter from which country you are sending them :-)

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