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kuba.g 12-06-2011 11:07

Toggle Mobile
I just came across this interesting operator: Toggle Mobile Netherland

How I see it, is you can call it a International prepaid sim but only for: UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Australia. In these countries you pay low rates. In other countries you get the usual roaming rates.

Also, in all of the countries mentioned above they offer mobile internet for €0,15/MB.

Their site doesn't look very well made though...

andy 12-06-2011 16:21


it seems to be related to or even owned by LycaMobile, hence the country list so far, though Lyca is also in Belgium Italy and Switzerland

borjeg 13-06-2011 12:44


Originally Posted by andy (Post 37010)

it seems to be related to or even owned by LycaMobile, hence the country list so far, though Lyca is also in Belgium Italy and Switzerland

and Sweden and Denmark

andy 13-06-2011 17:28

Yes, I think those were already mentioned in the frst post and on the website

I was adding the other 3 as a mild speculation on scope for possible expansion

dg7feq 09-05-2012 13:12

Meanwhile the card can hold numbers of australia, denmark, germany, norway, spain, sweden, switzerland and UK. Calling within these countries is 16ct/min, free inbound in ~100 countries.

The UK number is permanent, the other numbers are valid for 30 days each before you have to assign a new one.

GPRS inside these countries is 15ct/MB

Downside: The card expires after 90 days of no use (no placed calls or SMS)

andy 09-05-2012 13:59

It seems to have had a publicity relaunch recently, or maybe that was the launch of the UK website version, which has slightly different tariffs (15p vs 16c). I hadn't been aware of range of free incoming countries

I think France is also included in the identities available, and some other countries coming soon.

dg7feq 11-05-2012 12:41

Yes, since a few days french numbers can be ordered as well

bene 22-05-2012 18:55


does anybody of you uses a toggle mobile SIM?

It works fine for voice and messaging, but I have no idea what is the APN for the toggle UK card.
The support told me to use the settings for LycaMobile (in my case whilst using in switzerland), but it does not work.

If anyone of you has a working data connection, it would be really nice if you can tell me which APN to use....

kalico 20-06-2012 01:40

This card looks interesting.

I want a SIM that I can attach German and Turkish phone numbers to and still receive calls when back in the UK.

The website is clunky and not clear what this will cost me, or even if it is possible.

Does anyone have any experience of that type of thing? Or can recommend a better option?


f1photos 22-06-2012 18:11

data issues
I took the plunge and got a uk toggle sim a few days ago. I added a Spanish & Swiss number to the card which was straightforward. They expire after 30 days, unless I pay £5 a year to keep them.

I'm now in Spain and the local number works as does everything else apart from data. I verified the settings with CS yesterday, but still no data. As i'm at the F1 here I decided to go and bang on the door of the Telefonica/Movistar mobile network control van at the track and see if they had any ideas. The guys knew immediately what the problem was, but to verify they stuck the SIM into their network kit. The upshot is that Toggle/Lyca haven't turned on data roaming. I called CS again and they say they have no option to turn on data roaming. Tried to get transferred to somebody who knew what they were talking about, but 'sorry that's not possible'. My new best friends at Telefonica (I took them beer) are going to raise this with Lyca/Toggle in Spain and see if they can get something done from this end.

So the upshot is I still have no data, but I do know what the problem is.

dg7feq 24-06-2012 00:28

As far as i read on other webboards nobody got data running so far...

f1photos 24-06-2012 18:56

Yup, that does seem to be the case. I'm going to get a contact higher up in the company through the travel trade press as they are the ones who've been giving them the recent publicity.:chair:

toggle mobile 02-07-2012 11:56

A very good morning to you all!

As I can read from your posts you are having some issues when trying to use our data service abroad.

First I would like to say that we do have data roaming but only in the toggle mobile countries (UK, The Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Poland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden).

Same as to benefit from local rates on these countries, to use our data service you MUST first register online for the country you are going to visit. Register here.

Example: If you are travelling to Spain, before you travel you need to go to our website and register for a Spanish local number. This registration will allow you not only to have a local Spanish mobile number (enabling your Spanish contacts to call you at local rates) but also to benefit from our toggle mobile countries' flat rates plus the data service.

Please note that your phone as to be switched on with your toggle sim card inside when you register.

I hope I could help.

Feel free to contact us if you have any question, we will be happy to help.

Thank you.

All the best,
Sofia Gouveia
Senior Marketing Manager toggle

NFH 15-07-2012 17:09


Originally Posted by toggle mobile (Post 39896)
Feel free to contact us if you have any question, we will be happy to help.

You offer a good product, which has great potential. However, please could you explain why, according to your published prices, you are breaching Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union? For example:
  • In Norway (part of the EEA), you charge £0.36/min for an outgoing call, 50% more than the price cap of £0.240497/min (no VAT applicable).
  • In Greece (still part of the EU), you charge £0.36/min for an outgoing call, 25% more than the price cap of £0.2885964/min (including VAT).
  • In Guadeloupe (an integral part of France and the EU), you charge £2.81/min for an outgoing local call, 11.7 times the price cap of £0.240497/min (no VAT applicable).
  • In Réunion (an integral part of France and the EU), you charge £1.12/min to receive a call, 16.9 times the price cap of £0.066344 (no VAT applicable).
  • In Gibraltar (part of the EU since 1973), you charge £0.48 to send a text, 6.4 times the price cap of £0.074637 (no VAT applicable).
A EUR/GBP rate of 0.82930 is used to convert the regulated prices from EUR to GBP in accordance with Article 1(7) of the regulation. The Åland Islands (Finland), Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and French overseas departments are all outside the European Union's VAT area, so UK VAT is not applied when roaming in these EEA countries and territories in accordance with Article 19 of the Value Added Tax (Place of Supply of Services) Order 1992.

tux 15-07-2012 21:43


Originally Posted by toggle mobile (Post 39896)
First I would like to say that we do have data roaming but only in the toggle mobile countries (UK, The Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Poland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden).

Why not in Italy?

toggle mobile 16-07-2012 15:57

Hi to you all,

Tux: Italy will be added to the toggle mobile countries very soon, hopefully in the next couple of months. If you check our Facebook or Twitter page or subscribe to our Newsletter you will be notified as soon as it's live.

NFH: You are totally right and thanks for pointing it out. Due to some technical issue the website was not updated with the new rates although we were already charging it and according with the EU regulation.

Please check our website again as it should be correct now.

Thank you both for your feedback and let us know if you have any question.

A great week for all!

NFH 16-07-2012 16:12


Originally Posted by toggle mobile (Post 40071)
NFH: You are totally right and thanks for pointing it out. Due to some technical issue the website was not updated with the new rates although we were already charging it and according with the EU regulation.

Please check our website again as it should be correct now.

Thanks for the fast response and reply in this thread.

I can see the prices have been updated. However, in some cases they have been lowered but remain above the new price caps and in other cases, they have been increased. For example, from Gibraltar and Réunion, it now says £4.10 to send a text and £2.87/min to receive an incoming call, which are respectively 54 times and 43 times the price caps! I suggest you check all the examples I gave above. Norway is also still higher than permitted.

NFH 18-07-2012 09:41

It seems that many of the prices have now been updated. However, the following discrepancies remain:
  • 100+ countries are listed as having free incoming calls, including the whole of the European Union. However, the published call charges for all the listed countries are showing charges for incoming calls. The two pages contradict each other.
  • EU and EEA countries and territories that are outside the EU VAT area (Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and French overseas departments) are all showing prices that exceed the regulated price caps. For example the price cap for an outgoing call is €0.29 x 0.8293 = £0.240497, but the price is shown as £0.28, 16% higher than the price cap.

toggle mobile 18-07-2012 16:50


Thank you for your feedback.

Further to you comments:

- You are totally right about the Free Incoming Call Countries, the rates are not correct on our website. Please note that we didn't charge it to any customer, only on our website is not correct but customers are being charged the right rates.

- I'm waiting from my Legal Team's feedback regarding VAT. I will post it here and if that's the case, change the rates accordingly.

Thank you and have a great evening.


NFH 18-07-2012 17:17


Originally Posted by toggle mobile (Post 40091)
- I'm waiting from my Legal Team's feedback regarding VAT. I will post it here and if that's the case, change the rates accordingly.

You may want to refer your legal team to Article 19 of the Value Added Tax (Place of Supply of Services) Order 1992 and also consult the prices of Vodafone and Three who correctly exclude VAT when roaming in parts of the EU and EEA that are outside the EU VAT area.

Toggle Mobile has an innovative product, particularly with the local numbers when roaming, and I hope that Toggle or another Lycamobile company is similarly innovative when it becomes possible from July 2014 to choose an alternative provider for EEA roaming services on the same SIM card while continuing to use one's usual provider in the UK. See

tux 19-07-2012 18:24


Originally Posted by toggle mobile (Post 40071)
Hi to you all,

Tux: Italy will be added to the toggle mobile countries very soon, hopefully in the next couple of months. If you check our Facebook or Twitter page or subscribe to our Newsletter you will be notified as soon as it's live.

NFH: You are totally right and thanks for pointing it out. Due to some technical issue the website was not updated with the new rates although we were already charging it and according with the EU regulation.

Please check our website again as it should be correct now.

Thank you both for your feedback and let us know if you have any question.

A great week for all!

But your sim is available only in UK and Netherlands, right? :(

NFH 29-07-2012 10:23

The outgoing call charge in Norway and various other similar places is still showing at £0.34/min, which is 41% higher than the regulated price cap of £0.240497/min. Does Toggle Mobile intend to comply with the EU roaming regulation?

dr0ss 09-08-2012 22:19


Originally Posted by tux (Post 40100)
But your sim is available only in UK and Netherlands, right? :(

To (kind of) echo this question, is there any way to get this sim in the US? It looks like it might be useful for me for an upcoming trip.

willemijns 03-02-2013 13:25


just received X days ago, works well in France except roaming orange FR (MNO #1 in France of course) is hard to be reached :-( dunno why ? high cost i suppose...

toggle mobile 04-02-2013 11:54


As we already spoke on Facebook, we are checking with our Technical Team what's happening there, we will keep you posted.

Thanks you.

willemijns 04-02-2013 12:17


Originally Posted by toggle mobile (Post 41917)

As we already spoke on Facebook, we are checking with our Technical Team what's happening there, we will keep you posted.

Thanks you.

hahahahaaha you are here too ;) ok i wait your news...

dg7feq 11-02-2013 14:08

toggle mobile from UK is sending out free SIM cards at the moment. I just got mine yesterday and topped up 10 GBP to test. So far it works great, assigned a german number additionally to the UK one. The rates within the toggle countries are great and its convenient to have the numbers all active at the same time.

inquisitor 11-02-2013 15:38

From which numbering range are those German numbers? From Lycamobile (01521)?

willemijns 11-02-2013 15:46


Originally Posted by inquisitor (Post 41979)
From which numbering range are those German numbers? From Lycamobile (01521)?

I think yes... only MNO or full-MVNO can give numbers... if you choose local numbers you will use the default DE lycamobile network.

dg7feq 11-02-2013 16:03


Originally Posted by inquisitor (Post 41979)
From which numbering range are those German numbers? From Lycamobile (01521)?

yes, lycramobile in any of the countries where they offer local numbers.

I currently have one +491521 and one +447405


inquisitor 11-02-2013 20:27

Thanks. I've also ordered a Toggle SIM today. Let's see if it's more reliable than German Lycamobile SIM cards which regularly suffer data outages among other issues (like the unavailability of number imports due to ongoing technical problems).

NFH 11-02-2013 20:33

The relevant link is not obvious on their web site. See:

inquisitor 11-02-2013 20:38

Thanks. I actually struggled to find the order page for their promotional offer and ended up on their Facebook fanpage where I finally discovered the link.

I wonder if it makes a difference with regards to tariffs whether the SIM is ordered through the British or the Dutch page, which disclose slightly different prices due to rounded currency conversion. Will my account now be based on £?

dg7feq 11-02-2013 23:37

the uk card is in gbp. if you topup online you get 10% bonus.
the tariffs for international calls are interestinh - especially as there is no setup fee for each call.
also 3p to german landlines is good for casual callers

NFH 12-02-2013 20:48

Why does Toggle Mobile not publish its VAT number on its web site in accordance with Regulation 6(1)(g) of the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002? Not even the geographic address is displayed.

inquisitor 12-02-2013 20:53

Good question. At least in their T&Cs there's some info:


1.7 Lycamobile: Lycamobile UK Limited (Company Number 05903820) with its registered office located at 3rd Floor, Walbrook Building, 195 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SG.

NFH 16-02-2013 11:30

I received two of these SIM cards this week. It's very disappointing that they are full size mini-SIMs (2FF). Why doesn't Toggle supply combination 2FF/3FF SIMs like other operators or even better 4FF nano-SIMs with adapters to enlarge them for those with older phones?

NFH 16-02-2013 13:53

I also notice that Toogle are still breaching the European Commission roaming regulations. For example, outgoing calls from Italy and Norway are charged at £0.34/min.

For a UK-based operator, the maximum permitted charge when roaming in Italy is €0.29 x 0.8293 x 1.20 = £0.2885964.

For a UK-based operator, the maximum permitted charge when roaming in Norway is €0.29 x 0.8293 = £0.240497.

Why does Toggle think it doesn't have to comply with the legislation?

inquisitor 16-02-2013 14:54

Mine arrived today, too.

With Internet Explorer 10 (Pre-Release version) I could neither log onto the website nor could I retrieve a new password. Seems like some JavaScript issue. Interestingly customer care advised me to use IE instead of Firefox, which actually worked.

After topping up £10 through PayPal my balance amounted to £11, so I obviously received a bonus for unknown reasons.

The first thing I did was obtaining a German number, which was assigend immediately. However I had to provide my (German) ID card's number - allegedly due to legal requirements (interestingly German providers do not require such) - which has a different format and less characters than those 44 required. I could overcome the problem by entering the last number of my ID (which is a checksum) in the last field and filling up all fields before with opened arrow brackets (<).

I noticed that Switzerland was listed as "Swiss" in the "Register Local Number" menu - a common mistake made by native German speakers due to the resemblance of the German name for Switzerland "Schweiz" with the adjective "Swiss".

Less than five minutes after ordering the German number an OTA update of the SIM card occured on my Nokia 1200 (which in contrast to most modern phones indicates OTA updates). Apparently this OTA updated added the German IMSI.

Now my SIM card has two IMSIs, which can be selected manually through the STK menu. As expected both IMSIs come from Lycamobile's virtual networks using the following MCC/MNC tupals:
234-26 "UK"
262-43 "Germany"

The USSD code *132# does only show my British number. This definitely needs some improvement so all numbers are listed.

NFH 16-02-2013 15:11

I notice that in the UK, Toggle is an MVNO on O2; the SIM card causes the O2 network name to be displayed as "TOGGLE MOBILE" and there is no roaming on to other UK networks. This is in contrast to Lycamobile UK, which is an MVNO on Vodafone UK. I wonder why they chose O2 for Toggle but Vodafone for Lycamobile.

Can you roam on to any network in Germany?

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