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Marschel 17-10-2013 23:05


Starting on October 30th.:thumbup:

ALCATEL Y800 MOBILE WIFI from £70.00 including 2 GB for 30 days (or 6 GB for 90 days). Data only still available but not SIM only I guess.

UKSTEVE 21-10-2013 10:27

You can also pick up pre-paid 4G data SIM cards in eBay and Amazon for between £20 and £30.

These are valid for three months and/or 6GB of data.

They seem to be the result of dealers box breaking modems/USB stick packs up.

They work well - have bought.used a couple myself.

+Steve :)

tux 21-10-2013 15:19

Will EE data sims be enabled to do voice traffic? Or is it better to wait until October 30th and see if new sims appear on Ebay?

Marschel 21-10-2013 20:12


Originally Posted by UKSTEVE (Post 44549)
You can also pick up pre-paid 4G data SIM cards in eBay and Amazon for between £20 and £30.

Thanks for this hint. :beer:

NFH 30-10-2013 10:53

Free EE PAYG SIM cards can now be ordered for delivery to a UK address from:

If anyone needs a UK address, I might be able to help if you can reciprocate the favour (depending on your country).

tux 30-10-2013 20:59

I'd need one, but I haven't anything to give you in exchange... :( (well, I've a spare TIM standard sim, but it would be a pain activating it without you being physically here)

I think this time will be harder to get one :D (there's still the 'physical shop' option :p)

NFH 04-11-2013 18:13

When I received my EE PAYG nano-SIMs, I tried to use one of them, but it said "Inactive SIM" on one phone and just a generic "No Service" message on my iPhone. I spoke to EE who said they were experiencing widespread problems with activation of the new PAYG SIM cards, and they would fix it within a day or two. I have just received an e-mail from EE, full of marketing-style HTML and images suggesting it is sent to large numbers of customers, saying:
We have been made aware of a problem when you tried to use your nano SIM card, which may have meant you were unable to top up and use it. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. The issue was due to a system error which has now been resolved. We will have your SIM up and working within 1-2 days and a £5 credit will be applied to say thank you for your patience. We hope you will enjoy your new EE SIM.
It's not clear whether the free credit will apply only to the one nano-SIM that I tried to use or whether it will also apply to the three other SIM cards that I ordered.

Marschel 04-11-2013 22:31


Originally Posted by NFH (Post 44598)
If anyone needs a UK address, I might be able to help if you can reciprocate the favour (depending on your country).

Thanks for no response to my message...

NFH 04-11-2013 22:56


Originally Posted by Marschel (Post 44623)
Thanks for no response to my message...

Sorry about that. I am often missing notifications to subscribed threads, and now it seems of PMs as well. I had already reported this problem in this thread but the issue persists. I have now replied to your PM.

tux 11-11-2013 20:26

NFH, do you know the expiry policy of prepaid EE sims?

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