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cris 22-10-2012 14:07

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NFH 22-10-2012 19:54


Originally Posted by cris (Post 41082)
After investigating all about the B&you prepaid card, and after reading all the incovenients to order one without having a french address and french credit card, I went with LeFrenchMobile.

LeFrenchMobile is a total rip-off, targeted at foreigners. First, you have to pay €1.40 per month, even if you don't use it, which makes it unsuitable for occasional visitors to France. Second, data is charged between €0.13 and €0.30 per megabyte (depending on which bundle you buy), compared to B&You's flat rate of €0.05/MB. I really don't understand why you posted information about such an expensive operator, unless your post is disguised spam (which you have also posted in another forum). We already know about all the rip-off options in France. This thread is specifically about the only non-rip-off option.

willydat 24-10-2012 20:34

the same guy has opened a new auction:

eBay | B&YOU Sim Card with 15 min airtime credit - BRAND NEW - AVOID ROAMING FEES

price has risen to eur 19,95, (still free shipping) and he says one sim per ebay-member.

NFH 24-10-2012 21:00

French Office came back to me about the limit of 5 names per mailbox and said that each additional name would cost €5. I replied that this was disproportionate, given that we are paying only €3.50 per SIM card (excluding credit) and there is no increased cost to them of an additional name when each name will receive only one item. They still don't get the point. Our best bet is a private address in France.

cris 26-10-2012 10:53


Originally Posted by NFH (Post 41083)
LeFrenchMobile is a total rip-off, targeted at foreigners. First, you have to pay €1.40 per month, even if you don't use it, which makes it unsuitable for occasional visitors to France. Second, data is charged between €0.13 and €0.30 per megabyte (depending on which bundle you buy), compared to B&You's flat rate of €0.05/MB. I really don't understand why you posted information about such an expensive operator, unless your post is disguised spam (which you have also posted in another forum). We already know about all the rip-off options in France. This thread is specifically about the only non-rip-off option.

post deleted

NFH 26-10-2012 19:26


Originally Posted by cris (Post 41104)
I mean, have you noticed all the trouble (costs) you are going through to get the B&you sim card?

We are prepared to go to some trouble because B&You's SIM card is the best on the market for an occasional visitor to France. Most of us are high data users, and LeFrenchMobile's data charges and monthly fee (even if not used) are way too high. If you want to advertise LeFrenchMobile's high prices, please start your own thread instead of hijacking this thread.

scirocco 27-10-2012 03:56


Originally Posted by NFH (Post 41105)
We are prepared to go to some trouble because B&You's SIM card is the best on the market for an occasional visitor to France. Most of us are high data users, and LeFrenchMobile's data charges and monthly fee (even if not used) are way too high. If you want to advertise LeFrenchMobile's high prices, please start your own thread instead of hijacking this thread.

I'm not sure what you mean by "we". You don't speak for me. Many of the posters and readers on this forum are based outside France and Europe. For many of us, convenience and ease of obtaining the SIM and subscription outweigh the data and call costs. So I want to hear B&YOUs cons as well as pros, warts and all.

And no, I'm not spamming for LeFrench Mobile SIM, I use a Mobicarte, supposedly inferior for "occasional visits to France". So I'd like to hear about coverage for B&YOU. Runs on the BT network, yes? How does that compare with the "inferior" Orange product when you are on holiday in remote rural France and need to use the phone? There are some pretty big white areas on the BT coverage map, including the little village in the Pyrenees I go to each year that has Orange coverage.

NFH 27-10-2012 09:22


Originally Posted by scirocco (Post 41107)
I'm not sure what you mean by "we".

The 8 people who are trying to find a way to obtain a B&You SIM card.


Originally Posted by scirocco (Post 41107)
So I'd like to hear about coverage for B&YOU. Runs on the BT network, yes? How does that compare with the "inferior" Orange product when you are on holiday in remote rural France and need to use the phone? There are some pretty big white areas on the BT coverage map, including the little village in the Pyrenees I go to each year that has Orange coverage.

Thanks for pointing this out. If there were other non-expiring SIM cards available, I'd prefer one that runs on Orange or SFR. Hopefully Buzz Mobile, SFR's equivalent of B&You, will follow B&You's lead on non-expiry (currently 3 months).

meir 27-10-2012 19:58

Well if it helps, I got the card issued by HSBC in France. But not sure if this works for all of you.

VladS 30-10-2012 08:50

Update on my eBay purchase. I got the SIM card in the mail all activated and registered in my name. The portal account was already setup with the email address I provided - all I had to do is change the password. Overall a very smooth transaction.

A word of warning for those interested in the card, the initial credit is only valid for 30 days. A minimum EUR10 top-up is required to get unlimited credit life (assuming one paid transaction every 365 days).

Calls to the top-up line (630) are free while in France but charged as a call back to France from anywhere else (EUR2.30/minute from Canada). There is an alternate top-up number you can call from any phone line for next to nothing - +33-981-660-630.

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