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Motel75 17-11-2010 11:07

FWIW, Vodafone just accepted my German credit card for a top-up. And the PayPal trick described above still works (note that as PP is notorious for freezing accounts, you should only try this with small amounts as a last resort).

BLC 08-01-2011 23:48

Wind Finally Caught Up With Me
Well after 4 years of being able to topup my Wind card from Canada, the website is now refusing to accept any of my credit cards or paypal. Giving a try and if it dosen't work I'll let it go. Still 37 euro on the card so will have to use it up before the 17th.

rockjock 09-01-2011 16:39


Originally Posted by BLC (Post 35146)
Well after 4 years of being able to topup my Wind card from Canada, the website is now refusing to accept any of my credit cards or paypal. Giving a try and if it dosen't work I'll let it go. Still 37 euro on the card so will have to use it up before the 17th.

Isn't wind sold yet? I know it was up for sale but could that be the reason why?

BLC 09-01-2011 19:32

Sold or merged with a Russian company. I don't know if it's gone through yet. Shouldn't make a difference but.... When we are in Italy this year I will pick up a debit card from our bank in Pescara. That should solve the problem.

Schlips1 09-01-2011 23:30

is the problem, because they use the "Verified by Visa e MasterCard SecureCode", you do not have with your credit cards or do they accept no foreign Credit Cards (like 3 UK)?

BLC 09-01-2011 23:58

They don't exactly say but I think it's the same as TIM, no non Italian credit cards. I had the same trouble with Vodafone UK but Nomi UK still accepts my Canadian credit cards. I topped up with Wind Italy one year ago with no trouble. The Wind site accepts interact cards so when we go this summer I'll visit our bank in Pescara and get a card.

BLC 10-01-2011 00:01

I have verified by Visa and it comes up on the site but after everything is entered they say they can't accept it and make other arrangements for payment. If it wasn't for the fact I've got 37 euros on it I wouldn't worry. I got this one for free including 5 euro of credit a couple of years ago.

Effendi 10-01-2011 09:47

And if you use PayPal which error does it give?

BLC 10-01-2011 16:23

No matter if I try credit cards or Paypal I get "La richiesta di ricarica non e stata accettata" I paid saveonroaming 15 euro by paypal, no trouble, but they haven't added it to my Wind number yet. The Wind website also allows to pay from a Unicredit bank account but we haven't got an interact card from them. I'll get one next time we are in Italy.

BLC 10-01-2011 17:49

Saveonroaming was able to add 10 euro. I'am good for another 12 months!

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