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JohnSul 29-03-2010 21:08

Got back from Cancun last week. The Go Phone worked flawlessly and as advertised, I only paid $0.25 / min.

VladS 29-03-2010 21:09

Was long distance to Canada included in the $0.25/minute?

JohnSul 29-03-2010 21:25

Yes, I called both the U.S. and Canada and it was always $0.25 all-in. Received text message after each call telling me what the cost was.

RTuesday 31-03-2010 08:33

Has anybody used the Go Phone to call a Mexican number (landline or mobile), from within Mexico?

I'm assuming it would cost the same as calling from the US (25c + a surcharge for an "international" call), is that correct?

And the roaming coverage is on Telcel only, not Movistar?

For many of the gringos around here it could make more sense than a Mexican phone (especially as they can operate it in English!).

JPSmith 09-04-2010 02:27

Is a dual band (850/1900) GoPhone adequate for Mexico roaming, or is quad band needed? I'd be using it in Mazatlan, Puerto Vallerta and Cabo San Lucas. Was hoping to get by with a Nokia 2320 -- voice only, don't need data.


rfranzq 09-04-2010 02:39

(850/1900) should be adeaquite.

Originally Posted by JPSmith (Post 31846)
Is a dual band (850/1900) GoPhone adequate for Mexico roaming, or is quad band needed?

Yes, it should suffice:
PrePaidGSM: Mexico

JPSmith 09-04-2010 03:19


Originally Posted by rfranzq (Post 31847)
Yes, it should suffice:
PrePaidGSM: Mexico

Muchas Gracias!

eccalex 12-04-2010 18:13

I am currently in Mexico and the gophone is working great. Calls to US or within Mexico (landline or mobile) are always 25 cents. Calls to overseas (Europe) are not possible. However, I am using an calling card service which allows me to make calls to Europe.

RTuesday 12-04-2010 19:47


Originally Posted by eccalex (Post 31901)
I am currently in Mexico and the gophone is working great. Calls to US or within Mexico (landline or mobile) are always 25 cents. Calls to overseas (Europe) are not possible. However, I am using an calling card service which allows me to make calls to Europe.

Many thanks for the information on calls within Mexico, good to know.

petkow 12-04-2010 19:57

Now this is interesting. 25c/min is only 3 pesos per minute. For incoming calls that is much cheaper than Telcel Amigo prepaid when you are outside of your area, (5 pesos/minute) and much cheaper for outgoing calls within Mexico. Telcel charges between 4 pesos and 7 pesos for this! When I was last there it was cheaper calling USA from my Telcel than calling elsewhere in mexico! They really have silly rates!

Next time I will try pick up a GoPhone!

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