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andy 05-02-2007 09:53

I'm having a problem with no callback to the 4242 number

todro 05-02-2007 22:02


Originally Posted by Effendi (Post 13146)
I think you can top-up with O2 Loop scratch card in any case (it should not depend on the credit you already have), but you have to do it while you are in Germany or it won't work.

No, you can't as the normal phone function is suspended once there is no credit and they charge you for the call to recharge....



andy 05-02-2007 22:10

mine has credit but still won't allow incoming or outgoing calls, and they haven't replied to an email about it

AndreA 05-02-2007 23:06

andy you're simply in the last month of validity :D

The callback is not more allowed!

Effendi 06-02-2007 08:31


Originally Posted by todro (Post 13174)
No, you can't as the normal phone function is suspended once there is no credit and they charge you for the call to recharge....

The callback to *124*4242# is free of charge, but I suppose you need at least 1 cent to use int.roaming.

todro 12-02-2007 23:06


Originally Posted by Effendi (Post 13186)
The callback to *124*4242# is free of charge, but I suppose you need at least 1 cent to use int.roaming.

that is exactly what I was refering to: no credit, no chance :(

ceyo 26-12-2009 15:21

Few hours ago I was able to top up online my italian Wind sim-account with finnish Visa Electron. First i put my VE card-numbers, and site redirected me to log e-bank.

It was okay after that, I got confirmation message to my e-mail.. Balance activation took about 1 hour. :)

Motel75 27-12-2009 22:44

I've been trying to top up my Vodafone Italia SIMs using PayPal without any success for the last week or so. There's no error message or anything, but the final confirmation screen does not appear after I approve the payment when using my German PP account. When I use my US PP account, I get an error message ("sorry, we are unable to process your transaction at this time" or something like that).

Either they've stopped accepting foreign PayPal accounts (and don't mention this anywhere) or there's a bug on their website. Either way, I'm probably going to have to top up with a German Vf card - I'll ask at the local store if they have any low-denomination ones (they do, but do not usually sell them - perhaps they'll make an exception for a foreign account).

Motel75 29-12-2009 11:16

Here's what I did to top up my Vodafone Italia cards - and I suspect it'll work just fine for any others that accept PayPal from their country only: I created a new Italian PayPal account, using the address of a friend where I usually stay when I'm there (which is also the address I used for Vodafone). PayPal doesn't ask for a codice fiscale, and I didn't link an Italian credit card or bank account to my new account (because I don't have any). Then, I transferred some money from my German PayPal account to the new Italian account. Hey presto - it worked fine, and I was able to top up each Vodafone Italia account with 5 euros, enough to keep both of them going for another 11 months. I don't know why I didn't think of this before!

BLC 17-01-2010 22:18

I don't have any problem with Wind Italy. Just to be sure I added 15 euro using my Canadian credit card from here in Calgary and it went through with no problem. Recieved an email and a text message ( on my Wind phone) confirming the transaction. I do it through the Wind Client Area.

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