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DRNewcomb 30-12-2005 03:50


Originally Posted by UKSTEVE
12 digits is outside the ITU recommendations for international numbering, but only by one digit.

I thought the limit was 15 digits.

Przemolog 30-12-2005 10:23


Originally Posted by UKSTEVE
12 digits is outside the ITU recommendations for international numbering, but only by one digit. The recommendations were dispensed with in 2001 (if memory serves) so my guess is that it's a routing code omission somewhere along the line.

Does this 11-digit number limit include the country code?
If it does, what about Riiing/UM numbers 423 663 xx xx xx? :)

0700700 31-12-2005 02:18

any developments with the iceland card?

thanks ;)

UKSTEVE 01-01-2006 19:34


Originally Posted by DRNewcomb
I thought the limit was 15 digits.

If you include the country code, I guess it is...


Stu 02-01-2006 20:22

I used the 09 SIM in Mexico. With my Motorola v600, it worked fine with Callbackworld, but I could not get it work with its own commands. The card also worked in a similar fashion in Belize which was a shocker since Belize is not a listed country of service. The card registered on Cubacell, but I didn't place any calls. I was in a boat just off Cuban waters and the signal wasn't stable enough.

Przemolog 02-01-2006 21:19


Originally Posted by Stu
I used the 09 SIM in Mexico. With my Motorola v600, it worked fine with Callbackworld, but I could not get it work with its own commands. The card also worked in a similar fashion in Belize

What do you mean? Did you trigger callbacks from CBW by using another phone?

AndreA 03-01-2006 10:48

I just get a 09 sim card too... also I can see a strange thing, the home network is Swisscom!

then I have boring troubles with SMS... in fact, i can't reach 09 from any italian network :( And I can't call that prefix from vodafone italy too... not so good, I'll contact the Customer care very soon.

Przemolog 03-01-2006 11:20


Originally Posted by AndreA
I just get a 09 sim card too... also I can see a strange thing, the home network is Swisscom!

then I have boring troubles with SMS... in fact, i can't reach 09 from any italian network :( And I can't call that prefix from vodafone italy too... not so good, I'll contact the Customer care very soon.

What do you mean by "home network"? Something like FL1 for UM or Areeba Ghana for Hop?

If so, I "smell" SMS troubles (like in Hop) :P

AndreA 03-01-2006 11:42


Originally Posted by Przemolog
What do you mean by "home network"? Something like FL1 for UM or Areeba Ghana for Hop?

Not exactly... inside the sim card you can find the list of favourite networks and the "home network" is Swisscom. But the sim card has a correct serial number 8935402xxx. of Iceland and not a swiss one as FL1 for UM or Areeba Ghana for Hop... really strange ;)

RTuesday 03-01-2006 22:42

I've also just got back from Mexico.

Last wednesday, the 092 "balance" command started working, and it confirmed that incoming calls in Mexico are free (however, the account is debited 2 or 4c each time the balance is checked, which looks like a bug).

Still can't make outgoing calls, nor send or receive sms. But, using a second phone I could trigger callbacks, so using callbackworld or (more reliably) gphone I could call the UK and US for around 15c/min, which for Mexico is an excellent rate. (with the local sims, it mostly costs more than that to make local calls, or to receive calls from outside the local area).

So for my extremely limited case it was a success (far cheaper than any other solution for making international calls from a gsm phone in Mexico).

Note: the 092 balance enquiry isn't working now I'm back the US, I don't know if that's because it doesn't work here yet or if it has stopped working again in the last few days.

I saw some comments on here about the length of the number: it's a perfectly normal 12 digits as those digits include the country code. Exactly the same length as most UK numbers.

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