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meir 24-09-2009 20:49

Excellent. If there is someone going to buy SIM card for himself, please get one for me as well. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I invite you in to my Hong Kong place until you are totally defrosted.

GadgetKen 04-10-2009 03:16

An Antarctica sim card would definitely be a collector's item!

Roaming rates in Antarctica are expensive. AT&T postpaid is US$2.29/minute at the Argentinian Marimbio base(they have a CTI Movil/Nokia GSM base station). An Iridium satphone would be less at US$1.49/minute or less. Probably a better deal if someone were stationed there...but I doubt there are bargain rates for international calls since all calls have to go via satellite.

Personally I'd much rather be using my Digicel prepaid sim chip in Bermuda or the Caribbean from a nice sunny beach!

monkeyboy 09-03-2010 05:48

many are called, few are frozen...

vegemite 10-05-2010 23:40

Polar bears are northern hemisphere. Penguins are southern hemisphere. Antarctica is an actual continent, in the southern hemisphere, with possibly 10,000 or more people?

petkow 11-05-2010 01:06


Originally Posted by vegemite (Post 32393)
.. with possibly 10,000 or more people?

I would guess much much less. Possibly only a quarter of that at the most, and that too only in the summer. Only a skeleton crew ever spends the winter there.

Interestingly I heard that Antartica is the only continent in the world that is not connected via submarine fibre-optic cables. All comms and internet for the Scientists down there goes via satellite.

bylo 11-05-2010 12:26


Originally Posted by DRNewcomb (Post 29593)
The polar bears already get their phones in Canada, Greenland, Norway (Svalbard) and parts of Alaska.

Lately they've been busy with other matters: Grizzlies, polar bears interbreeding, DNA test shows

vegemite 17-05-2010 08:13

Polar bears are in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, we are talking about Antarctica which is in the SOUTHERN hemisphere.. Geesh.

petkow 17-05-2010 08:46

"Chill" ;) The geography lesson you've tried to give us twice already happened half a year ago at the head of the thread and the quote by DrNewcomb (quoted above) was in response to that.

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