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Bossman 17-08-2006 14:32

That should have worked Karen. From the US, you dial 011 to replace the +. Like the others said, it's possible the number is just not working, or your long distance provider does not recognize that number. Note that it's very expensive to call any Liechtenstein number from most US long distance providers. Same thing for calling cards. So, you may want to try emailing them first.

I am assuming you got the info from their website.

phone: +423 663 099 911


Originally Posted by KarenM
Does anyone know how I duplicate the "+" on a Lichetenstein phone number when I am calling from the U.S. on a regular phone?

I'm trying to call United Mobile, and when I dial 011 then the 423 (Lichtenstein code) then the number, nothing happens. I appear to be doing something wrong. Anyone awake at this hour who can help with this? (I'm in CA).



andy 17-08-2006 14:47


Originally Posted by dg7feq
they always show two numbers.
one is a us-number, the 2nd one the number you want to call.
The US-number is different at every call we made so far.

some more work to do for the programmers i would say :)


wow - that looks complicated

I've had some weird caller IDs shown on my Liechtenstein mobile sometimes like Russia Bahrain France, so there are clearly all kinds of odd routing possibilities

Do you have also an Israel number for the SIM, and have you dared to call it yet?

dg7feq 17-08-2006 14:56


Originally Posted by andy
wow - that looks complicated

I've had some weird caller IDs shown on my Liechtenstein mobile sometimes like Russia Bahrain France, so there are clearly all kinds of odd routing possibilities

Do you have also an Israel number for the SIM, and have you dared to call it yet?

Yes I have and i dared.
There is a announcement in hebrew and english that the number is not assigned.


Bossman 20-08-2006 18:58

As per the thread below, a number of us have had our DID's deactivated. So, we cannot receive incoming calls. It just rings busy. Anyone else???

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