PrePaidGSM > Operators > Senegal > Expresso


Voice tariffs

National calls
Mo-Su 6-24
International calls
Mo-Su 0-24
SNF 86
€ 0.13
SNF 173
€ 0.26


There are two monthly options to call selected numbers at cheaper rates:
- Jappanté: 2 selected numbers for free; SNF 2059/month - € 3.14;
- Samay Sopé: 5 selected numbers at SNF 61.8/min (€ 0.09); SNF 1000/month - € 1.52.

Additional costs and services
Messaging National SMS: SNF 26 - € 0.04
International SMS: SNF 77 - € 0.12
MMS to Expresso: SNF 51 - € 0.08
Data calls 3G (up to 7.1 Kbps): SNF 7/10KB - € 0.01/10KB
International Roaming not available
Debiting method 1/1
Recharge/credit SNF 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 and 25000