PrePaidGSM > Operators > Germany > Vodafone


Voice tariffs

CallYa 5/15
Calls and SMS to Voda
Mo-Su 0-24
Calla and SMS to other networks
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.05 € 0.15
CallYa OpenEnd Talk & SMS
Calls to Voda, landline
Mo-Su 0-24
All other calls
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.29 per call € 0.29/min

OpenEnd Talk & SMS

This tariff has a monthly fee of € 1.50. All calls to Vodafone and landline are billed € 0.29 per call, while other calls are billed € 0.29 per minute. SMS to Vodafone cost € 0.29 for the first one while the following 99, of each day, are free of charge.

Mobile Internet Flat

- day flat: € 0.99/day;
- week flat: € 2.99/week;
- month flat: € 9.99/month.

Minuten und SMS Optionen

- 60 all net minutes OR sms: € 7.99/month;
- 120 all net minutes OR sms: € 12.99/month.

Additional Services and Costs
Video Calls Same price as voice calls
Messaging SMS to other operators, CallYa OpenEnd: € 0.19
SMS, international: € 0.29
MMS, national: € 0.39
MMS, international: € 0.79
Data Calls Wap (CSD): € 0.19/min
GPRS/UMTS: € 0.19/10KB, plus € 0.01 every 10 mins of connection
(only wap and Vodafone Live! sites)
Voice Mail same as a voice call to Vodafone
Free of charge for CallYa Compact users
International Calls All destinations: € 1.99/min
Billing National Calls: 60/1
International Calls and Roaming: 60/30
Refills/credit € 15.00/15.00
€ 25.00/25.00 € 50.00/50.00
Validity period 12 months since last refill
Vodafone Prefixes 0152, 0162, 0172, 0173 and 0174, plus ported numbers

SMS Pakete

All CallYa users can buy a monthly SMS-Pakete with a certain amount of included SMS to national numbers.
- SMS35: 35 SMS/month for € 5.00 (€ 0.143 per SMS)
- SMS125: 125 SMS/month for € 15.00 (€ 0.12 per SMS)
- SMS250: 250 SMS/month for € 25.00 (€ 0.10 per SMS)

Reiseversprechen Option

The "Reiseversprechen" option ("travel promise" in english) is active by default in the Comfort plan and you may choose to activate it with Basic or Special tariff too. With this option all calls from abroad cost the same as in Germany plus 0,75€ set-up fee. Calls within the country are charged at the same rate as calls to Vodafone D2 (Bonus on Callya Comfort does not count here) plus the 0,75€ for set-up.

International Roaming
To Germany, same country To other zones Incoming calls
Voda networks Other networks
EU € 0.46 € 2.61 € 0.17
Zone A € 1.02 € 1.53 € 0.81
Zone B € 1.53 € 1.83
Zone C € 3.07 € 3.63 € 3.63 € 1.84
Zone D € 5.12 € 5.63 € 5.63
SMS € 0.13 € 0.79 -
Data Calls (GPRS/UMTS) € 0.39/10KB, +€ 0.09/hour € 0.59/10KB, +€ 0.09/hour -

International Roaming Zones

Zone A : Andorra, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland.
Zone B : Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia.
Zone C : Turkey
Zone D : Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Dominican Rep., Egypt, Fiji, Jamaica, Kuwait, Madagascar, Malta, Morocco, Namibia, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Thailandia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, USA.