PrePaidGSM > Operators > Germany > Aldi (Medion Mobile)


Voice tariffs

Aldi Talk
Calls to Aldi
Mo-Su 0-24
All Other Calls
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.03 € 0.11


There are two flatrate options you can choose:
- ALDI TALK Community Flatrate: free calls and SMS to Aldi at € 3.99 per month;
- ALDI TALK Flatrate: free calls and SMS to Aldi and landline at € 14.99 per month.

Data flatrates

There are two data flatrate options you can choose:
- 24 Stunden Internet-Flatrate: € 1.99 per day for unlimited surfing;
- 30 Tage Internet-Flatrate: € 14.99 per month for unlimited surfing;
both options are available both for mobile surfing and tethering.

Additional Services and Costs
Messaging SMS to Aldi: € 0.03
Other National SMS: € 0.11
International SMS: € 0.13
MMS: € 0.39
Data Calls € 0.24/MB
Handy-Internet-Flatrate: € 7.99/month for unlimited mobile surfing
Voice Mail free of charge
International Calls Europe (landline), USA+Canada: € 0.12/min;
Europe (mobile): € 0.29/min;
Rest of the World: € 0.99/min
Billing National Calls: 60/1
International Calls and Roaming: 60/60
Refills/credit € 15.00/15.00, 12+2 months
€ 30.00/30.00, 24+2 months
€ 60.00/60.00, 24+2 months

How to buy

You can buy Aldi Talk prepaid card at any Aldi discount store or directly at internet site from the 7th of December 2005.

International Roaming
Zone 1 (EU) Zone 2 Zone 3
Zone 1 (EU) € 0.46 € 1.49 € 1.99
Zone 2 € 1.49 € 1.49 € 1.99
Zone 3 € 2.29 € 2.49 € 2.49
Incoming Calls € 0.17 € 0.69 € 1.69
SMS sending € 0.13 € 0.39
MMS sending € 0.39
Data Calls (GPRS/UMTS) not available

International Roaming Zones

Zone 1: EU.
Zone 2: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Faroe Is., Isle of Man, Israel, Kosovo, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, USA.
Zone 3: Rest of the World