PrePaidGSM > Operators > Chile > Entel


Voice tariffs

All Calls
Mo-Su 0-24
CLP 150
€ 0.23
Calls to the other ComunicaDOS number, < 300 mins/month
Mo-Su 0-24
Calls to the other ComunicaDOS number, > 300 mins/month
Mo-Su 0-24
Other calls
Mo-Su 0-24
free of charge CLP 200
€ 0.31
CLP 200
€ 0.31
All Calls
Mo-Su 0-24
Calls to numero frecuente
Mo-Su 0-24
Bonus for every minute of call
Mo-Su 0-24
CLP 220
€ 0.34
CLP 120
€ 0.19
CLP 20
€ 0.03
All Calls, normal rate
Mo-Su 0-24
All Calls, $5000 refill
Mo-Su 0-24
All Calls, $10000 refill
Mo-Su 0-24
CLP 180
€ 0.281
CLP 140
€ 0.22
CLP 99
€ 0.15
All Calls
All Calls
CLP 240
€ 0.38
CLP 90
€ 0.14
Calls to Entel+landline
Mo-Su 0-24
All other calls
Mo-Su 0-24
CLP 66
€ 0.10
CLP 264
€ 0.41

Plan Mario

You can choose your own off-peak time among these 3 options:
- Manana 8.00-13.00
- Tarde: 13.00-18.00
- Noche 19.00-23.00

Additional costs and services
Messaging National SMS: CLP 50 - € 0.07
International SMS: CLP 150 - € 0.21
MMS: CLP 200 - € 0.33
Data Calls Data sessions: CLP 250/2MB/day - € 0.39
If you use more than 2MB or every new day a new session starts.
Plan navegacion semanal CLP 999/week (€ 1.56) including 7MB of data
International calls see here (in Spanish)
International roaming see here (in Spanish)
Debiting Method 1/1
Recharge/credit/validity CLP 3500/3500
CLP 5000/5000
CLP 6000/6000
CLP 10000/10000
CLP 15000/15000