PrePaidGSM > Operators > French Caraibes > Dauphin Telecom

Dauphin Telecom

Voice tariffs

San engagement
Local Landline+Dauphin Telecom+TelCell Mobile
Mo-Su 0-24
Other local mobiles
Mo-Su 0-24
Sint Maarten (except TelCell)
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.29 € 0.45 € 0.60

French-Dutch operator

Dauphin Telecom (French) and TelCell (Dutch) belong to the same group and so they have special rates for calls between the French territory (St.Martin) and Dutch territory (St.Marteen). TelCell numbers are considered "local" as well as the French numbers of Dauphin Telecom and St.Martin landline. Other St.Marteen operators and landline are instead billed at 0.60€/min.

Additional costs and services
Messaging SMS: € 0.10
Available only to other Dauphin Telecom customers
Data calls not available
International Roaming Roaming on Telcell in Sint Marteen is free of charges; no other roaming destinations are available
Recharge/credit/validity € 10.00/10.00
€ 20.00/20.00
€ 30.00/30.00
Dauphin Telecom Prefixes 088

International Calls
France Landline € 0.40
USA, Canada, Caribbean and France mobiles € 0.60
Europe and Reunion Landlines € 0.90
South and Latin America Landlines € 0.90
Rest of the World and mobiles € 1.35